martes, 6 de mayo de 2014



-Prediction, speculation
   There will be a woman president in the 2020
-Espontaneous decision

(Never, still, ever, just, only)

aff.- will+infinitive


-Intentions, plans
   Scientists have calculated that people are going to live for 1,200 years
-Predictions from the evidence
   She is going to start the treatment tomorrow.

(Never, ever, still, just, only)


   I'm visiting dublin in August.

(last/next week)


-Actions in the future that have already been planed
   In just a few days, she will be looking and feeling 30 years old again.


-Actions completed by specific time in the future
   By the end of the decade, this news will be have transformed society.

The strikes

In this text I'm going to talk about advantages and disadvantages of strikes:

First, I'm going to talk about the advantages of strikes:
One of them is that the students can claim agaist education reforms that we don't agree with it, another advantage is that in the demonstrations you can meet a lot of students that think the same that you think, (you have the same mentality).

On the other band, I'm going to talk about the disadvantages of strikes;
I think that there are a lot of students that make demonstatrions but they haven't enough information, and another disadvantage of strike is that most students use the days of strikes to be sleeping at home.

In conclusion, I agree with strikes, provided the strikess are legal, and I agree with doing domonstrations, provided the people how participate in the demonstration they fight for their duties without harming anyone or anything.

Easter week

Every year I have good plans for the Easter week, for example; I go with my family to ski, we visit other cities...But this year I will go to see my family to Madrid.

We decided to do this trip because I want to go to the Desing University to get information for my future studies, and I want to visit different museums related with art and fashion.

The rest of time I will spend the time with cousins, and we will go to parties.

I have got a feeling that it will be a good Easter week!

The world in the year 3000

I think that the world in the year 3000 will be very technological because science will advance a lot.

I imagine the world in the future with houses that will be able to move, cars will fly, the people will be able to watch the TV through glasses, for example.

The people will have a lot of knowledge about tecnology, but, I think that all of this will make people have less relation with other people, because all things will be computerized.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

What do you think about American food?

I think that most of the people prefer food from their own country. I prefer food from my country.

For example, I have a cousin who is very busy in her work, so she can't return home to eat. She began to eat American food, and she has high levels of cholesterol.

To eat American food without excess is goog because you can taste other food different from your country and you can compare them.

But, on the other band, American food is made mostly of fat, and it can produces cholesterol, obesity...

In conclusion, I think is good to eat different  food but without excess.

Everybody should speak English?

I think that everybody should speak English because it is good to know other languages and to increase our knowledge.

I have a fiend that said me he was in California with his parents, but they can comunicate with them because my friend knew English, if my friend's parents had gone alon, they couldn't have comunicated with them, because they didn't know English.

To learn English can give us freedoom and knowledge. But, everyone hasn't  the resources to learn English.

In conclusion, I think everyone has the resources to learn English  and they should use it. My advice is that to learning English is easy because language is made of little vocabulary.

Glossary (chapter: 4 and 5)

Reach: llegar                                                                       Bride: novia
Fetch: ir a buscar                                                                Ashamed: avergonzado
Allowed: permitido                                                            Froward: adelante
Rubbed: frotó                                                                     Payment: pago
Rather: más bien                                                                Kindly: amablmente
Marshes: pantanos                                                             Duty: deber
Churchclerk's voice: la voz del secretario                         Master: maestro
de la iglesia                                                                        Managed: gestionado
Mixed: mezclado                                                               Wishes: deseos
Rum: ron                                                                            pleasure: placer
Spoon: cuchara                                                                  Apologiced: disculpado  
Convict: presidiario                                                           nodded: cabeceó
Wrapping a coin: envolviendo una                                   raising: levantando
moneda                                                                              Delightedly: encantada
A look full of meaning: una mirada llena                         spite: despecho
de  significado                                                                   Forge: forjar
Kept the pound notes in case: mantuvo los billetes          Fear: miedo
de una libra en caso                                                           Blacksmith: herrero
Leading: principal                                                             bent: doblado
Passages: travesías                                                            hammer: martillo
Fool: engañar                                                                    Wicked: malvado
Sharp: afilado                                                                    Deliberately: deliberadamente
Huge: enorme                                                                   Tight: apretado
Almost bald on the top: casi calvo en la parte                   Indeed: en efecto
superior                                                                              Abroad: en el extranjero
Frowned: frunció el ceño                                                  Misty: nubloso
Dust: polvo                                                                        ahead: adelante
Shape: figura                                                                     firing: disparo
Painfully: penosamente                                                     gun: pistola
Blamed: culpado                                                               rushed: apresurado
Suffering: sufrimiento                                                       weapon: arma
Lie awake: mentir despierto                                             iron chain: cadena de hierro
Hurried:  darse prisa                                                         belonged: perteneció
Tears: lágrimas                                                                  witnesses: testigos
Firmly: frmemente                                                           quarrel: pelea
Revenge: venganza                                                          instead: en lugar
Dusty: polvoriento                                                           persuade: persuadir
Laws: leyes                                                                      dare: atreverse
Eagerly: ansiosamente                                                      fool: engañar
Knocked: noqueado                                                         soap: jabón
Greatly: muy
Cheek: mejilla
Worth: valor
Mercy: misericordia
Meanwhile: mientras tanto
Wealth: riqueza

Pip's sister is attacked

Pip wanted to visited Miss Havisham, but for do this he had to ask Joe if he could rid a day. When Pip went to Havisham's house he didn't see Estela because she was studying abroad. Then, Pip returned to the village and a stranger hurt his sister, she was a lot of days recovering in her bed. Pip thought if he should marry with Bidy and work with Joe or to stay with Estela.

A present from a stranger

Pip went  to a bar and a strange gave him money. After that Pip went to a Havisham's house and there ha was with Estela. When he left the house he fought with a man, and Pip won, Estela saw the fight and she said him thet he could kiss her but he kissed her on the check. Finally, Miss Havisham ask Pip if he wanted to be her aprendiced, and he accepted.

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Flamenco (Oral 4)


The origin of flamenco comes from the region of Andalucia in southern Spain.

It includes singing, guitar playing, dance and handclaps.

Flamenco is often associated with the Romani people of Spain and a number of famous flamenco artists are of this ethnicity.

In recent years flamenco has become popular all over the world and is taught in many countries.

The Flamenco word comes from:

-The body language of the performers remember of a bird with the same name.

-Flamenco was the music of the Moors landless.

-Because the origin of flamenco is in Flanders:

-Because Gypsies are also known as flamingo:

-In flamenco we can find:

-Alante: person who sings

-Bailaor: person who dances

-Cuadro flamenco: a set of people that sing and dance flamenco

-different types of flamenco songs




-others flamenco dancings







Adele's life (Oral 3)

Adele's life


Title: Adele's life
France, Spain and Belgium Director: Abdellatif Kechiche
Abdellatif Kechiche
Special effects:
Thibaut Granier
Main characteres:
Adèle Exarchopoulos and Lèa Seydoux
Four millions €

Adèle was sixteen years, she studied letters in the high school, she wanted to be a teacher because she liked children.

Her first relationship was with a boy from her school, but they broke because there wasn't enough illusion.

Her best friend was gay, and one night took her to the bars where he used to go out, Adele walked into a lesbian bar and met a girl, Lèa.

Lèa studied arts, she was bigger than Adèle. From the day they met, they began to hang out and their relation was becoming stronger and stronger.

Adèle was afraid to say she was lesbian and when her friends learned it, they laughed at her.

Adèle and Lèa began a reationship.

A few years later, Adèle and Lèa were still together, Adèle worked at school.

Adèle began a new relationship with a coworker, because Lèa was too busy with her work and Adèle felt alone.

Lèa discovered the new relationship of Adèle, so they broke.

Lèa remade her life with an ex, Lise.

Adèle was still in love with Lèa.

But but now things were already clear between them, they were friends.

Oral 2


Are a group of approximately 35,000 indigenous people who live in some 200–250 villages in the Amazon rainforest on the border between Venezuela and Brazil.

The Yanomami live in villages usually consisting of their children and extended families.

the entire village lives under a common roof called the shabono.

They are susceptible to heavy damage from rains, winds, and insect infestation

The Yanomami depend on the rainforest; they use slash-and-burn horticulture, grow bananas, gather fruit, and hunt animals and fish.

Polygamous families consist of a large patrifocal family unit based on one man, and smaller matrifocal subfamilies

Children stay close to their mothers when young; most of the childrearing is done by women.

The women cultivate plantains and cassava in gardens as their main crops.

Men do the heavy work of clearing areas of forest for the gardens.

The Yanomami are among the few societies in the world to practice true polygamy.

Rituals are a very important part of Yanomami culture. The Yanomami celebrate a good harvest with a big feast, they gather large amounts of food.

They also decorate their bodies with feathers and flowers.

Girls typically get their periods between the ages of 10 and 12, and as soon as the period begins, girls are married off.

the Yanomami culture was described as being permeated with violence. The Yanomami people have a history of acting violently not only towards other tribes, but towards one another.

Yanomami frequently move to avoid areas that become overused, a practice known as shifting cultivation when the soil becomes exhausted.

The traditional Yanomami diet is very low in edible salt. For this reason, the Yanomami have been the subject of studies seeking to link hypertension

The Yanomami people practice ritual endocannibalism, in which they consume the bones of deceased kinsmen.

Hallucinogenic drugs, known as yekuana, are used by Yanomami shamans as part of healing rituals for members of community who are ill.

Women are expected to carry 70 to 80 pounds (32 to36k g) of crops on their backs during harvesting, using bark straps and woven baskets.

Boys typically become the responsibility of the male members of the community after about age 8.