viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013

Activities 1

Hi, friends!
I'm Ana and I'm so happy because I will meet a lot of people here, I've got many things to tell you, so I'm going to start.
At the begining I'm going to tell you abaut myself, I'm a sexteen year old student from Badajoz. At present, I'm studying art because in the future I'll study desing. In my free time I like doing things like: listening music ( Rozalen, Valgur, Andrés Suárez ) practice tennis and paddle and meet my friends. 
I'm interesed in everything about fashion. When I draw normally it's about fashion ( glasses, dresses, skirts, ...) music and dance are two things very importante in my life too, so when I can, I go the theatre or concerts.
If you're reading this you can give some advice about fashion in the coments. 
I hope to write soon, bye! XXXX ;)


                                               SEXUALLY EXPLOITED CHILDREN
                                                             PEOPLE WITH AIDS
                                                                PREGNANT GIRL
                                                         ABANDONED CHILDREN
                                                              SINGLE MOTHERS

                                                          JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

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